How Art Heals Virtual Show

Collaborated with Connie King founder of the Black America Resource Directory for the “How Art Heals” Virtual Art Show. We had a delightful live discussion that aired on YouTube October 13, 2022 about how art helped me heal and using creative arts as a form of therapy.

This was part of a six part mental health series highlighting non-traditional forms of therapy.

Sandbox Sistahs Podcast

I was honored to be a guest on Sandbox Sistahs podcast episode #44 "Be authentic...Be free. Thank you Miko, Tichia and Kindra for a fun conversation. I'm grateful you all are now a part of my sister circle. Everyone check their podcast you won't be disappointed.

Open Discussions Podcast

I was honored to be a guest speaker on Open Discussions podcast Episode #2 "Be Creative" by Unseen Heroes. Big thanks to Roshaun Davis for a great conversation and Faith J. McKinnie for the connection.